Friday, July 12, 2013

6/30/13 When the brothers go to bed the sisters come out to play....

The other night my sister and I were up to our usual scheming ways and decided that this was the night to do the big prank that we had been planning. With the rope that I had bought earlier on in the week, we decided that we were going to tie our brothers' doors together. Tonight was the night!! Tying our brothers' doors together was no small feat for us though!
The first time that we were tying the doors of their rooms together, everything was just a big mess. The rope was too big for the door knobs as we were tying them together like a figure eight (as the advice of our MOM). As we were struggling to tie the doors together, we heard from the bathroom next to their rooms the sound of the toilet flushing! Everyone else was in the living room or had already went to bed so it could have only been one of our brothers! We paused for a second, had a mini-heart attack, and ran! But then we quickly hurried back because we had to take the rope off their doors so they wouldn't know what we were up to. We took the rope off as quickly as we could and ran like crazy persons back to our rooms. As we sprinted back to our rooms, our dog was barking like crazy, waking up the whole household. It was quite the scene.

After we heard our brother close his door, we waited a few minutes and re-began our mission. However, before beginning our mission, my little sister decided that it was important that we wore "disguises." By disguises, I mean beach hats and beanies. Before trying to retie their doors together, we decided to thin out the rope so that it would fit on their door knobs better and boy did it work! Those doors were tied shut!!
After successfully completing our mission, we of course had to take pictures and reward ourselves with fits of giggles and high fives! We were quite proud of ourselves! We also wrote a note to our brothers, of course, explaining to them that we did it with mucho amor (a lot of love!)and that we loved them. After slipping the notes under the doors, we sat on the couch and reveled at our handiwork. As we were reveling in our glory, we had a scary thought. What if our brothers in the middle of the night had to use the bathroom? After much debate, we decided to take off the rope. But believe me, it's not over yet! One night we will return and the prank will be completed!

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